The Cult Drum Notation

The Cult Drum Notation

Drum sheet music for She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult

the cult drum notation, John tempesta, the cult, she sells sanctuary

She Sells Sanctuary drum notation in full.

This is the The Cult drum notation for the classic track She Sells Sanctuary. This was released on their 1985 ‘Love’ album. Although John Tempesta holds the drum throne today, the drum part for She Sells Sanctuary was recorded by Nigel Preston who was fired from the band shortly after the release of this song and sadly passed away in the early 1990s. It’s a great track which involves a simple but driving drum part. The few fills mainly consist of minimal 16th note snare patterns which serve to mark the end of an eight bar phrase. Time to start rocking! That’s why we have transcribed the full The Cult drum notation note for note. If you’re not sure how to read music you might like the Sight Reading Beginner Crash Course to help build a crucial drumming skill. So below is the exact The Cult drum notation fully transcribed and notated as it was played.
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