Best Headphones for Drummers

Best Headphones for Drummers

Best Headphones for Drummers Learn which headphones you should buy if you're a drummerHere we are discussing the best headphones for drummers. Protecting your hearing is so important as a drummer and yet so many drummers ignore the risks. Sometimes they think it's not cool to worry about that and sometimes they simply don't understand the risks. The fact is that if you damage your hearing and get tinnitus or lose your hearing altogether then the impact will be devastating on your enjoyment of music and life in general. Us drummers play a loud instrument so we are exposing ourselves…
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Drummer Hearing Protection

Drummer Hearing Protection

DRUMMER HEARING PROTECTION  How to protect your hearingDeriving from the Latin word ‘Ringing’, tinnitus is a condition that affects our hearing and can become so severe that musicians can no longer play their instruments. For this reason alone drummer hearing protection is essential for a long, happy musical life. This article explains what tinnitus is, how it is caused, and how to prevent it as a drummer, WHAT IS TINNITUS?The human ear is a remarkable instrument consisting of the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. Between these three components, the ear can take the sound waves that it catches…
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