Minus Drums Rock Backing Track Coldplay Style

Minus Drums Rock Backing Track Coldplay Style

Drumless Practice Backing Track

This Is The Minus Drums Rock Backing Track Coldplay Style

This is a free drumless backing track in the style of Clocks by Coldplay.

I don’t know if you checked the previous two free backing tracks minus drums but if you missed them click here and here. As well as these there is the library of premium backing tracks available on the playalongs page.

Getting your groove on with a backing track is the next best thing to playing with real musicians so unless you’re part of the Jackson family then it’s unlikely that you have a ready made band in your house.

Therefore playing along with music is an essential step to prepare you for playing with a band. Even if you already play with other musicians, backing tracks minus drums allow you to try new ideas and master them with music before you air them to your band mates. And it’s immense fun at the same time!

This track is a rock track which has the same rhythmic phrasing as the Coldplay track ‘Clocks’ from their 2002 ‘Rush of blood to the head’ album. The phrasing is a 3, 3, 2 pattern. The subdivision is eighth notes which are counted as 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &. So with our 3, 3, 2 phrasing we get this emphasis with the bold characters showing the start of each phrase – 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &.

One way this could be orchestrated is with a snare on the first beat of each phrase followed by bass (kick) drums in-between. So if ‘S’ means snare and ‘K’ means kick/bass drum we get this: S K K S K K S K.

You can choose to play the right hand on the hi-hats, ride, crash or floor tom. You can also choose whether to play them as quarter or eight notes.

The track follows a rough structure of verse, chorus, verse, chorus, middle 8, chorus. This gives you the chance to work on building an interesting drum part with groove variations and dynamics.

If you would like a lesson that breaks don this type of beat check out the how to play Clocks drum lesson. You can also grab full notation for the Coldplay Clocks drum part here.

Watch this video to give you a feel for it and then scroll down to get the track for free.

Click for FREE instant access to the track

FREE Timing Course

By clicking below you can gain access to a FREE ‘Drummer Timing 101’ drum course that will give you the knowledge, tools and exercises that you need to quickly get your timing up to the level it needs to be.

It will provide:

  1. The two main types of timing to master
  2. MP3 backing tracks to practice with and develop great timing
  3. Full sheet music for all exercises
  4. Video demonstrations of every exercise

And more than that you will also get a ton of other great free drum resources to make you a better drummer such as playalong tracks, articles, exclusive video lessons and more. And it’s all free!

Watch the video to get a feel for what the drummer timing 101 course entails and then scroll down to get the course immediately.

Start today and develop perfect timing

So let’s start the course today. Do it now and begin your drummer timing 101 course and start developing perfect timing. It won’t happen instantly but if you follow the lessons in the course you will start to feel the change very quickly.

If at any time you’re not digging the content, simply unsubscribe. There’s nothing to lose and your details won’t be shared with anyone, nor will you be bombarded with sales type emails. Just great free drum content that I hope provides real value for you.

So to improve your timing today click the RED button. Let’s get started!

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