How to make money from music

How to make money from music

You can make money from music if you treat it like a business

If music isn’t already your main income source, I expect you would love to make money from music. Most musicians would because it means more time working on your passion and less time doing something that isn’t your passion.

But most people cross their fingers and hope for the best rather than creating a solid plan and taking the right action.

This is a comprehensive course that gives you everything you need to know to start and maintain a successful music career. If you follow this and take action you will be able to make money from music.

Note: This is not about getting rich and famous. There’s nothing wrong with wanting that but this course is focused on making a decent living from music for the rest of your life.

You probably already know that making a living can be tough

And that can scare people away. It’s traditionally thought of as a bad career choice which generally ends in poverty except for the lucky few who make millions.

You will hear this a lot and even your parents might have tried to steer you away from this ‘hobby’ called music in the hope that you’ll get a serious plan.

You can try to make a money from music purely on hope, but you’ll probably fail!

how to make money from music, music career, make money from drummingSorry, I know that sounds pessimistic. But I’ve seen so many who loved the idea of a life as a professional musician but without a plan they soon got fed up with being poor and eventually got a ‘real job’, either through choice or pressure from those around them.

Society is set up in a way which makes us believe that we must accept doing something we hate until we retire just so we can earn a meager amount of money on which to survive.

A very few people will bumble through and land an amazing gig by pure luck that sees them touring the world in style and making decent money.  But it’s really rare so if you’re relying on that then you’re basically saying I’m going to doss around for a couple of years and then get a job at McDonald’s for minimum wage.

To really make money from music you need a plan, you need to know what’s needed and how you’re going to achieve it. And you also need to treat your professional life as a business.

Otherwise you will be doing the dead end job thing day after day.

What a waste of life!

Just think about that for a minute. A massive proportion of us accept that we should do a job we hate for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for forty years. That’s a huge percentage of our waking adult hours. Just, no, just don’t get sucked in. Stop it!

Seriously, I hate seeing people do that. I don’t care what their passion is, I can’t sit by and watch that and I am forced to rant at them until they can get away from me and get back to their mundane lives. I know it’s annoying but that’s just me! I hate the idea of accepting a life which isn’t your dream just because you’ve been indoctrinated into thinking that’s what we have to do.

If your passion is music then make it the thing that you do all day every day. Seriously, do it.

Sooner or later you will realise that a plan like the one in this course is the only real option, unless you give up on music as a career.

So let’s get that plan in action and start to make money from music!

What is included in this course?

The ‘How to make money from music’ course covers everything you need to start and sustain a successful music career.

We will breakdown the various income generating roles that you can use, from the perspective of a drummer (although it can all apply to any instrument). Each area will be broken down into separate chapters which finish with an action plan so you can easily and methodically work through the tasks.

You will also be taught how to promote and market your skills because unless people know what you can offer no one will pay you for it.

We will even learn how to create an awesome website for cheap with a step by step video that walks you through it. So even the totally beginner that has very little computer knowledge can create their online shop to show off their skills. That feature alone is often sold for quite a bit of money as a course.

And speaking of money, there is a finances chapter which gives you templates and teaches you how to run your business. With those tools, the information and the plan you will never need to be in debt again. You will know how much you need to earn and exactly how you will earn it.

The chapters include:

Chapter 1 – Introduction! – Here we talk about how the course works and what it involves. It starts to create a mind shift in you so you become much more business minded.

Chapter 2 – Key supporting skills – Here we look at supporting skills that enhance your employability as a musician. Don’t just be a drummer, be a drummer with auxiliary skills that make you very appealing.

Chapter 3 – Gateway jobs – Here we look at some common job roles that can open doors and get you into your dream music job. These are jobs that open the right doors.

Chapter 4 – Live performance – We will break down the main ways you can earn money as a performing drummer, what skills you need in those roles and how you can find those jobs. We also look at what you can earn in each role.

Chapter 4a – Being in a band – This warrants it’s own sub-chapter as we discuss royalties, merchandising, music sales and funding.

Chapter 5 – Recording – A look at the different ways you can earn money as a recording drummer, what equipment you need and how to market yourself.

Chapter 6 – Teaching – We explore how you can earn a living as a music teacher. As well as the skills, and legal aspects that are required we go deep here with marketing. This applies to all other chapters but it is explained within the teaching chapter.

We talk about local marketing as well as online marketing. We look at social media, SEO and websites. There is even an in-depth step-by-step video that shows you how to create a website in minutes for a very small cost. This alone is often sold for more than this whole course costs and will enable you to market any of your music services to a high level into the future.

Chapter 7 – Writing – Here we explore how you can become a published writer within the music industry both in publications such as magazines as well as books. There is a sample letter that you can adapt to send to editors as well as a magazine article that was commissioned off the back of that sample letter so you can see how it developed through each stage.

Chapter 8 – Youtube –  We discuss how you can use Youtube both for marketing and making money. We break down how much you can earn  from Youtube and the various uses for it in building your career.

Chapter 9 – Finances – Many musicians fall down because they don’t run their professional life as a business. Here we will get your finances in shape with strategies and goal setting. You also get several accounting templates that make it easy for you to keep track of your earnings and expenses. With these documents you will never need to be in debt again.

Each chapter finishes with a tick list so that you can work through each aspect systematically and keep on track of what needs doing next.

If you treat your business with this methodical, strategic approach then you will succeed and make a living from music.

Everything you need is in this course so click below and change your life!


Faster Hands in 7 Days FREE Drum Course

Improve your drum hand speed in a week to get Faster Hands

We all want faster hands on the drums but so many drummers I see are missing the basic aspects of drumming that will take them to the next level.

Many of those drummers are not lazy. In fact it's the opposite. They are putting in the work but they are missing the fundamental techniques that will allow them to play faster and smoother. This leads to inevitable frustration and despondency.

In effect they are wasting their time!

By clicking below you can gain access to a FREE '7 days to faster hands' drum course that will guarantee to raise your speed by the end or your money back (yes it is free so not the best guarantee ever!). But seriously, it will make a difference in a really short space of time.

But more than trying to create unrealistic miracles in a short space of time, it will also set up long term habits that will help you find your full potential as a drummer long into the future. And that is way more important.

It will show you:

  1. The fundamental techniques to play at your best level
  2. How to properly grip the sticks
  3. How to prepare yourself properly to drum
  4. How to make the stick do the work so you don't have to
  5. How to set your drums up for optimum speed
  6. How to apply this around the kit
  7. Exercises to develop control as well as speed
  8. How to take this on into the future to become awesome!

And more than that you will also get a ton of other great free drum resources to make you a better drummer such as playalong tracks, articles, exclusive video lessons and more. And it's all free!

Watch the video to get a feel for what the seven day course entails and then scroll down to get the course immediately.

Start today and build your hand speed up

So let's start the course today. Do it now and begin your 7 day process to get faster hands. This time next week you'll be enjoying the results and thinking about how you can take it to the next stage (by the way, the course helps with that too as we'll be checking speed progress over the next 12 months).

So click the big blue button below. Let's get started!

Get Faster Hands On The Drums

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