How to set up a hi-hat

How To Set Up A Hi-Hat

Learn how to set up a hihat properly

set up a hi-hat, set up hihat
Here we are learning how to set up a hihat

So how do we set up a hihat?

The hi-hat and the hihat stand can look very confusing to the uninitiated. But that’s why this drum lesson exists so you can learn how to set up the hihat easily. The hihat itself consists of two cymbals which are fixed to the stand and controlled by the foot pedal. This pedal allows us to open and close those hihat cymbals to create different sound effects. The stand also breaks down into a few sections to make it easier to transport so building that up can be confusing. If you are a beginner drummer that hasn’t had to do this before you might feel completely overwhelmed by this when all you want to do is sit at the drum kit and have fun rocking out. The short video below will show you exactly how to set it all up in just a few minutes so that you can fast forward to the fun bit………playing those drums! Once you have set up your drum kit and want to learn how to tune it check out the drum tuning course. There we cover how to tune a snare drum, bass drum and toms in a lot of depth. We also talk about other tips and tricks, products that you need and lots more. But here we are looking at how to set up a hihat. Scroll down to watch the video.

If you are looking for beginner drum lessons then you are in the right place. Click the image below and you can access the beginner drum lesson course totally free.

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But for now watch the video below that shows you how to set up a hihat.

Links to other drum lessons that you might like

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