How to reduce snare buzz on your snare drum

How To Reduce Snare Buzz On Your Snare Drum

Learn a trick to reduce snare buzz

how to reduce snare buzz, stop snare buzz, sympathetic buzz
Here we are learning how to reduce snare buzz

So how do we reduce snare buzz?

Welcome guys, we are about to learn a cheeky little trick to reduce snare buzz on your snare drum. First off I want to say that snare buzz is important and desirable. That is part of what gives the snare its distinctive sound. If we get rid of all the snare buzz then it doesn’t sound like a snare drum anymore so be careful not to choke it of that quality. I know that lots of drummers hear their favourite records and think their snare drum should sound like that but it shouldn’t. Don’t forget that the drum sound on that record has been processed in a studio where they might have gated out lots of the sounds, added compression, EQ, reverb and who knows that else. So what you hear isn’t necessarily what the drum sounded like in the room at the time. But it is also true that sometimes the buzz is dominating the sound and we need to control it. There are a couple ways we can quickly reduce snare buzz and the video below is going to teach you one really effective trick. If you want to learn how to tune the whole drum kit properly check out the drum tuning course. There we cover how to tune a snare drum, bass drum and toms in a lot of depth. We also talk about other tips and tricks, products that you need and lots more. But here we are looking at how to reduce snare buzz. Scroll down to watch the video.

If you are looking for beginner drum lessons then you are in the right place. Click the image below and you can access the beginner drum lesson course totally free.

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But for now watch the video below that shows you how to reduce snare buzz.

Links to other drum lessons that you might like

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