Flam Fills Drum Lesson | Rock Drum Fills

Flam Fills Drum Lesson

A fill using flams

This Is The Flam Fills Drum Lesson

This flam fills drum lesson is here to help get you out of a drumming rut when you keep playing the same old drum fills. It’s primarily based on rock drum fills but really these can be used in any genre. It’s just that the flam is a powerful rudiment and using them in the way we use them here is very powerful.

We are using combinations of flams and bass drums so it is super simple in concept and creates a sound that we’ve enjoyed hearing from the likes of Dave Grohl on Nirvana tracks such as ‘Smells like teen spirit’ (drum intro), ‘In bloom’ (during each chorus) and ‘Come as you are’ (fill into middle 8). But these are not exclusive to Dave Grohl or Nirvana or the Foo Fighters. These have been employed effectively by just about every rock drummer at one point or another.

It falls into the category that I call ‘caveman drumming’ where we just strip it back to simple level, hit hard and keep it solid. We’re not talking polyrhythms, limb independence, oddtime or anything else that takes a lot of cerebral power. This is good ol’ fashioned smacking the c%@p out of our drums and it’s a lot of fun!

So rather than teaching you one flam fill this lesson teaches a system to create many flam fills to open your creativity on the drumkit. With a simple system that involves three rhythmic blocks you can reorganise them to make up lots of fills yourself. Once you have created several rhythmic patterns you can then orchestrate them differently around the kit and multiply the number of fills you can play again.

But after a while you won’t even need to plan these and you can just improvise using this idea without much thought being needed. That is the end goal and it is demonstrated in the video lesson.

So let’s stop reading words and start watching the video lesson so you can learn a ton of new flam fills on your drums. Just scroll down and click the link to get instant free access to the video drum lesson and sheet music below.

flam fills, rock fills, dave grohl, rudiments

Click to access the flam lesson

FREE Timing Course

By clicking below you can gain access to a FREE ‘Drummer Timing 101’ drum course that will give you the knowledge, tools and exercises that you need to quickly get your timing up to the level it needs to be.

It will provide:

  1. The two main types of timing to master
  2. MP3 backing tracks to practice with and develop great timing
  3. Full sheet music for all exercises
  4. Video demonstrations of every exercise

And more than that you will also get a ton of other great free drum resources to make you a better drummer such as playalong tracks, articles, exclusive video lessons and more. And it’s all free!

Watch the video to get a feel for what the drummer timing 101 course entails and then scroll down to get the course immediately.

Start today and develop perfect timing

So let’s start the course today. Do it now and begin your drummer timing 101 course and start developing perfect timing. It won’t happen instantly but if you follow the lessons in the course you will start to feel the change very quickly.

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So to improve your timing today click the RED button. Let’s get started!

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