The Coolest Drum Fill Ever?

The Coolest Drum Fill Ever?

The Coolest Drum Fill Ever? Learn how to play a really exciting drum fill Is This The Coolest Drum Fill Ever? Could this be the coolest drum fill ever? Is it even possible to have a coolest drum fill ever? Surely it's subjective!Well I agree but this is a really cool drum fill in my opinion. It could even be considered a drum beat instead of a drum fill but I would always use this as a drum fill rather than a repeating pattern to form a groove.This type of fill is heavily influenced by Steve Gadd. He used this…
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EASY Linear Drum Fills Using The Hi hat

EASY Linear Drum Fills Using The Hi hat

EASY Linear Drum Fills Using The Hi-hat Learn how to play awesome linear drum fillsWelcome to this drum lesson where we will learn to play easy linear drum fills using the hi-hat.Linear fills involve playing one thing at a time...never layering up different limbs. We often use the snare and toms in a fill, and sometimes we even use the bass drum, but we often leave the hi-hat out of it. That means that when we do incorporate the hi-hat in fills, it sounds really interesting and unusual.In this drum lesson we will learn some simple phrasing and then develop it…
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Blushda Drum Fills

Blushda Drum Fills

Blushda Drum Fills Learn how to use the blushda in drum fills This Is The Blushda Drum Fills Lesson Welcome to the blushda drum fills lesson. Here we will learn how to use a blushda in drum fills.What is a blushda?A blushda is a rudiment that has become popular since the likes of Vinnie Colaiuta, Tony Williams and many more since, have wowed drummers with it as they tried to figure out what was being played.It's not particularly difficult so we're going to break it down and develop lots of ways that we can use it to spice up our…
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Flam and Drag Drum Fills

Flam and Drag Drum Fills

Flam and Drag Drum Fills Learn how to use flams and drags in drum fills This Is The Flam and Drag Drum Fills Lesson Welcome to the flam and drag drum fills lesson. Here we will explore drum fills using these two common rudiments.Flams and drags are two of our core rudiments. When played on the snare they can sound very military, which harks back towards their origins. But they are really useable rudiments to spice up our beats and fills on the drum kit.In this drum lesson we break down how to execute the core rudiments properly. We then…
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6 Stroke Roll Drum Fills

6 Stroke Roll Drum Fills

6 Stroke Roll Drum Fills Learn how to use six stroke rolls in drum fills This Is The 6 Stroke Roll Drum Fills Lesson Welcome to the 6 stroke roll drum fills lesson. Here we will learn how to use six stroke rolls in drum fills.Recently we looked at the 5 stroke roll and how we can use it to be creative on the drums. In this lesson we will progress this on to the six stroke roll. This is a great rudiment which lends itself well to 16th note triplets due to the nature of having six notes.So we…
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5 Stroke Roll Drum Fills

5 Stroke Roll Drum Fills

5 Stroke Roll Drum Fills Learn how to use a five stroke roll to create fun drum fills This Is The 5 Stroke Roll Drum Fills Lesson Welcome to the 5 stroke roll drum fills lesson. Here we will learn how to use five stroke rolls in creative ways. You are probably familiar with a five stroke roll but just to be sure; It consists of five notes played as: r r l l R and then reverse the sticking to play l l r r L Those last single notes are accents and the first four notes are played…
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Polyrhythmic Fills

Polyrhythmic Fills

Polyrhythmic Fills Learn how to use polyrhythms in drum fills This Is The Polyrhythmic Fills Lesson Welcome to this polyrhythmic fills lesson. We will learn how to use polyrhythms in drum fills. Previously we looked at the basics of polyrhythms, polyrhythm snares in grooves, and polyrhythm bass drum in grooves.So now let's explore some options with polyrhythmic drum fills. Using polyrhythm in fills instantly makes them sound interesting and more advanced. It adds an extra layer of rhythmic sophistication that can feel like you're taking the music somewhere different. Usually we will only use this technique briefly before returning to…
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Drags In Beats and Fills

Drags In Beats and Fills

Drags In Beats and Fills Learn how to use the drag rudiment in musical scenarios This Is The Drags In Beats and Fills Drum Lesson Welcome to the drags in beats and fills drum lesson. The drag is one of the core rudiments and it has a very military style sound if we play it on the snare drum repeatedly.But the drag is such a useable rudiment in modern drumming styles on the drumkit. It can enhance all manner of drum beats and fills in many genres.So this drum lesson breaks down the drag. We discuss what it is and…
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Essential Blues Fills

Essential Blues Fills

Essential Blues Fills Learn how to play the core blues drum fills This Is The Essential Blues Fills Lesson Welcome to the essential blues fills drum lesson. Here we will learn how to play the core blues drum fills.We recently learnt some core blues drum beats which were largely based on the swung shuffle rhythm (although not all of them were). But if you've got some beats learnt you need drum fills to go with them. And that's what we're exploring in this lesson.These drum fills are also swung so we break down how to move around the kit in…
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8th Note Triplet Fills

8th Note Triplet Fills

8th Note Triplet Fills. Learn how to play 8th note triplet drum fills This Is The 8th Note Triplet Fills Lesson Welcome to this 8th note triplet fills drum lesson. Here we will develop your triplet drum fills. Drummers often start playing straight eighth and sixteenth notes in fills. Triplets can seem a bit mysterious.But they are an essential subdivision to master and once you get comfortable with them you can play freely in swung music as well as using triplets in straight music to create an interesting effect.This lesson will help you develop your confidence and ability with triplet…
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