Rhythmic Displacement – 8th notes

Rhythmic Displacement – 8th notes

Rhythmic Displacement - 8th Notes Learn how to displace rhythms within eighth notes This Is The Rhythmic Displacement - 8th Notes Lesson Here we are looking at Rhythmic Displacement using 8th Notes. Being able to displace your rhythms within the eighth note framework really opens up some interesting creative doors for you.Drummers often get stuck in a rut playing the same old predictable rhythms and it is very common to sit within very obvious rhythmic phrasing. That is all well and good for a majority of musical scenarios but sometimes we want to create something a little more interesting.One great…
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Drags In Beats and Fills

Drags In Beats and Fills

Drags In Beats and Fills Learn how to use the drag rudiment in musical scenarios This Is The Drags In Beats and Fills Drum Lesson Welcome to the drags in beats and fills drum lesson. The drag is one of the core rudiments and it has a very military style sound if we play it on the snare drum repeatedly.But the drag is such a useable rudiment in modern drumming styles on the drumkit. It can enhance all manner of drum beats and fills in many genres.So this drum lesson breaks down the drag. We discuss what it is and…
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Paradiddle Exercises with Beats and Fills

Paradiddle Exercises with Beats and Fills

Paradiddle Exercises with Beats and Fills Learn exercises to build your paradiddle performance and then how to use the paradiddle creatively. This Is The Paradiddle Exercises with Beats and Fills Drum Lesson Welcome to the paradiddle exercises with beats and fills drum lesson.The paradiddle may be one of the first rudiments we learn but there is so much you can do with it. In this drum lesson we will break down the fundamentals of technique and create a fun warm up plan that allows you to take the paradiddle to the next level.We will then move on to a more…
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Double Stroke Roll Exercises

Double Stroke Roll Exercises

Double Stroke Roll Exercises Learn how to develop your double stroke rolls This Is The Double Stroke Roll Exercises Drum Lesson Here we will develop your hand technique, speed and accuracy in this double stroke roll drum lesson.The double stroke roll is one of the most basic rudiments for drummers to learn but it’s also the one of the most important in many respects. The only rudiment we use more than the double stroke roll is the single stroke roll. So this is a fundamental rudiment that you need to master!And yet many drummers ignore it because it seems easy.But…
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Single Stroke Roll Exercises

Single Stroke Roll Exercises

Single Stroke Roll Exercises We develop your hand technique, speed and accuracy in this single stroke roll drum lesson This Is The Single Stroke Roll Exercises Drum Lesson Here we will develop your hand technique, speed and accuracy in this single stroke roll drum lesson.The single stroke roll is the most basic rudiment for drummers to learn but it's also the most important in many respects. We probably use this rudiment more than any other, whether we're playing simple drum fills or disco sixteen beats. The single stroke roll will be present in every drummers' playing.And yet many drummers ignore…
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Jazz Drumming Call and Response

Jazz Drumming Call and Response

Jazz Drumming Call and Response Learn how to react within a jazz context This Is The Jazz Drumming Call and Response Lesson Welcome to the jazz drumming call and response lesson. Here we will learn how to react to what we here within a jazz context. When we learn techniques such as comping in jazz, we often learn them as written exercises that we repeat. But when you play jazz it is much more reactionary as you listen to you fellow bandmates and respond to what they are playing.So this drum lesson allows you to do that live as you…
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Linear Drumming Building Blocks

Linear Drumming Building Blocks

Linear Drumming Building Blocks Learn how to create lots of linear drum beats This Is The Linear Drumming Building Blocks Drum Lesson Welcome to the linear drumming building blocks drum lesson. Here we will learn how to create masses of your own linear drum beats. Linear drumming involves playing just one thing at a time - so no layering up the bass drum and hi-hat for example. At first this can feel unnatural but once you get used to it, you will find that linear drumming opens so many creative doors for you. In this drum lesson we will learn…
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Bass Drum Workout

Bass Drum Workout

Bass Drum Workout This drum lesson will test your bass drum speed and endurance This Is The Bass Drum Workout Welcome to the bass drum workout. Here we will learn some really fun beats that work that kick drum foot of yours. We break this down so you can follow along even if you're a beginner drummer.We will develop some drum grooves that you can use in real playing situations and that you will hear in some of your favourite songs. But these grooves are also designed to work your bass drum foot hard. And we will turn this into…
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Jazz with KKL and LKK Comps

Jazz with KKL and LKK Comps

Jazz with KKL and LKK Comps Learn how to play some fun jazz comping patterns This Is The Jazz with KKL and LKK Comps Drum Lesson Welcome to the jazz with KKL and LKK comps drum lesson. This is a fun introduction to jazz drumming but be warned.....it is difficult.However, in this lesson we break it down to such a degree that even beginner drummers can learn from it.In fact it's a great introduction to anyone who hasn't played jazz before because we start at the simplest level.One we've covered that we start to introduce the concept of comping which…
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Thirteen Eight Paradiddle Workout

Thirteen Eight Paradiddle Workout

Thirteen Eight Paradiddle Workout Thirteen Eight Paradiddle Workout. This drum lesson tests your paradiddle variations to the limit culminating with an odd time phrasing idea. This Is The Thirteen Eight Paradiddle Workout Welcome to the thirteen eight paradiddle workout. Here we will learn how to play a complex paradiddle based pattern in odd time.You might wonder why you will ever need a paradiddle phrasing in thirteen eight. Well...........you probably won't.But actually this is just an exercise where we combine different paradiddle variations to help develop your command of these common rudiments. And it just so happens that it lasts for…
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