Chelmsford Drum Teacher

Chelmsford Drum Lessons

Bhav is a drum teacher in Chelmsford offering drum lessons to drummers in Chelmsford, Maldon, Braintree, Witham, Brentwood, Shenfield, Wickford, South Woodham Ferrers and surrounding areas in Essex.

Chelmsford Drum Teacher, Chelmsford Drum Lessons, Essex drum lessons

“I love nothing more than to pass on the knowledge I have gained to the next generation of musicians in order to help others to be able to do what I love to do.”

Drum lessons in Chelmsford, Essex
Bhav Solanki

Teacher's Biography:

Welcome to my Chelmsford drum lessons drum teacher profile. My full name is Bhavesh Solanki (Bhav for short).

I first started playing the drums at 19 years old. After going to my first ever gig, to see the ska punk band Less than Jake, it was the sound of the drums that really blew me away, and that started my enthusiasm for wanting to know about everything drum related!   

I brought my first kit off a friend and after a couple of months learning how to play by myself, I soon realised I needed some drum lessons to get me going in the right direction. About two years of having lessons, I wanted to take things a bit more seriously and in 2004 I went to Drumtech, to do a one-year diploma in Popular music performance. I learnt the correct techniques and theory of drumming, as well as learning how to play with other musicians. 

After this it was around 2006, when I joined my first band rock band Monster fight, we played on the London circuit, playing at London venues such as the Metro Bar, The Bull and Gate, The Purple turtle etc. We also had one of our songs played and featured on Total Rock Radio. 

I left the band around 2010 and played in various bands since that time gaining a lot of valuable experience as a drummer and musician. In 2012, I was one of the 1000, lucky people to be selected to perform as a volunteer drummer at the opening and closing Olympic ceremonies, this was a once in a lifetime amazing experience.

Drumming is my passion, and I am equally passionate about bringing music into the lives of my students. My drum students  get nothing but the best drum lessons, which help them achieve their dreams as a drummer and musician.  

Drum Teaching Location:  

Chelmsford, Essex as well as surrounding areas, Maldon, Braintree, Witham, Brentwood, Shenfield, Wickford and South Woodham Ferrers.

Get in touch and get drumming. Free 30 min. trial lessons – subject to availability.

Boring But Important Stuff:

  • I provide drum lessons in Chelmsford, Essex as well as surrounding areas, Maldon, Braintree, Witham, Brentwood, Shenfield, Wickford and South Woodham Ferrers.
  • As a member of the Total Drummer drum teaching program I have access to huge libraries of teaching material such as the main syllabus, famous song charts, drumless playalong tracks and everything else needed to deliver the best drum lessons possible.

I have lots of live experience

Here’s me with my band. I love bringing my live performance experience to help my students become confident drummers who are ready to perform live.


Free 30 min. trial lessons – subject to availability.

Contact Me for Chelmsford Drum Lessons