When Is The Best Time To Start Teaching Drums?

Learn when the right time is to start teaching drums

When Is The Best Time To Start Teaching Drums?

Question: When should you start your drum teaching business?

[REMINDER]: Have you booked your free drum teacher training yet? If not click here.

The answer is simple…..NOW!

But wait, what about Corona virus, what about the recession, what about my current job, what about the fact that I haven’t got anywhere to teach yet, what about the fact that it’s raining outside, what if aliens invade us, what if a crocodile suddenly appears in my garden?

If the last couple sounded like total BS let me just say….every single one of them was total BS.

They are all excuses that we make up inside our own heads. They don’t exist externally as reasons not to take action. They exist to serve this purpose only inside our heads.

Our brain wants to protect us. It wants to keep us in our place doing safe things, avoiding risk and avoiding anything that upsets the status quo. Well that’s all well and good but the real result is that a majority of people spend their entire working lives doing a job they hate and end up in retirement regretting a wasted life.

These excuses are made up in our brain to keep us safe but inadvertently they keep us unhappy in so many cases.

But Corona virus was real!

Yes, despite the odd conspiracy theorists (OK there were quite a lot of these people) the virus did exist. But it didn’t create a reason not to make this happen now.

In fact it gave us a huge reason to do this. So many people lost their jobs outside of their own control. They were at the mercy of their employers. I knew lots of people like that and it was devastating. They were powerless.

I saw it happen to all my musician friends as well who relied on theatre companies and production companies to give them work. It suddenly stopped and they were powerless and had to rely on state benefits.

Hard working, highly skilled people relying on state hand outs because they didn’t have control of their own destiny.

Flip that:
The people who ran their own business had power, they had control. They had the ability to pivot, switch, adjust, adapt and keep earning money. In fact many of these people grew their business.

So what about drum teaching?
It was scary for about 5 minutes but then everyone mobilised and realised that there was technology which allowed online lessons.

Everyone I work with either largely maintained their income or grew. The ones that got creative and saw opportunity managed to grow significantly.

A great success story from one of the guys saw him take one small action that he learnt in the teacher group and he got 50 enquiries. And the best bit was that it was free to do.

50 enquiries for lessons equals a business. Just think about it…..

If each of those fifty students had only a 30minute lesson per week (some would have wanted a 60 minute lesson so the income would have been more) and they paid £20 per week, that would result in £1,000 per week.

Multiply that by 52 weeks in a year and that’s a £52k income from working just 25 hours in a week. At that time the UK average salary was circa £30k.

Let that sink in for a moment:

He did one thing that cost him nothing and created enough interest to create a business doing something he loved, that only required working 25 hours per week, and earned £20k over the average salary in his country.

And all that during a global pandemic.

So before you allow your brain to drop a thousand different reasons why you shouldn’t follow your heart (you’re not good enough, you won’t get students, you’re not the type of person that can achieve this, you don’t have what it takes, now isn’t the right time, just wait until it becomes easy, etc) just stop and have a really big think about what kind of life you want to be living.

If you’re already living it then congratulations….that is amazing. But then why have you just spent all this time reading the whole email?

But if you’re not already living that life then you are cheating yourself. You should be doing everything you can to educate yourself, get motivated, get empowered and start learning how you can create that life as soon as possible.

Please don’t put it off until tomorrow because that is actually just your internal thought process trying to stop you doing it. Do something right now. Scary? Good, that means you’re challenging yourself. Literally do it right now!

Let me leave you with a quote: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Make sure you are not looking back in 20 years, 5 years, 1 year regretting not taking action now.

If you want a simple action then click here to join the FREE drum teacher training that will make the whole process much clearer for you.

FREE Training to Start Teaching Drums Below

You can start your journey as a drum teacher right here right now. This totally free course will give you everything you need to make it happen.

We’ll cover the main aspects you need to put in place to successfully do this and there are a few surprises.

You’ll learn:

  • The best time to start teaching drums
  • How good you need to be at drumming to teach it
  • How to get students
  • How to set up the business aspects
  • Why you DO have what it takes
  • How to be better than your competition
  • How to get the marketing right
  • The big mistakes that most drum teachers make but you can avoid

So click the big RED button below. Let’s get started!

Start Teaching Drums Today

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