Beginner Drum Lessons Course

Beginner Drum Lessons 

Start Learning Drums Today For FREE!

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  • Do you want beginner drum lessons?
  • Do you need a drum teacher to get you started?
  • Do you want the lessons to fit around you?
  • Do you want to get going for FREE?

The  Total Drummer online beginner drum lessons course is the most comprehensive tried and tested, step by step online beginner drum lesson course available. It is the culmination of over twenty years of teaching all ages and abilities to find what works most effectively and how it should be taught.

It is presented in bite sized chunks and drip fed to you so you work through it with regular lessons just like if you went to a local drum teacher.

The main difference is that these lessons are delivered online so you can take the lesson at a time to suit you. Not only that but you can pause, rewind, come back and watch bits you didn’t understand and stay in control of how fast you learn.

Every two weeks a new lesson arrives and builds on what you learnt last time. The syllabus has been tested with hundreds of students and we know it works well.

What does it include?

Every lesson tackles all of the core areas of drumming. Just as the name suggests Total Drummer aims to make you the total, rounded drummer with a good understanding of all necessary aspects and with all the knowledge that you need to thrive in any musical situation. So each lesson includes:

Sight Reading
Sight reading is an important skill so we build this up with easy, bite sized lessons. We learn how to recognise note values, count them and play them. This allows you to learn more independently and also can lead to musical opportunities down the line that other drummers cannot go for because they lack this skill.

Playing along with music is the next best thing to playing with live musicians. This is the most fun part of music and is crucial to allow you to develop your musicianship, listening skills and confidence. Every lesson offers a new playalong track to jam along with the try your new beats and fills in a musical setting.

Rudiments are the foundation of drumming so we will learn everything you need to know step by step. You will learn all of the rudiments, how to play them and how to apply them to the drum kit.

Possibly the most important attribute of a good drummer – every drummer needs good timing. We will learn how to play with a metronome and go deep on how to develop your timing. Each lesson will bring a new challenge to keep pushing you forward.

We will develop your technique so that you are equipped to play anything that is required of you. With good technique your creativity can flow. This includes both mechanical playing techniques as well as producing different sounds from the drum kit.

Stylistic Studies
We will learn different styles of music so you are not stuck within one genre. This will give you a rich musical knowledge that will enhance your listening experiences of music as well as your playing ability. We will also study iconic drummers.

Drum History
Each lesson we will have a short insight into various aspects of drum history whether it’s the players that brought new music to us or the instrument advances that developed the drum kit. Knowing what came before us gives a deeper understanding but also helps us push forward to create the future of drumming.

beginner drum lesson course, drum teacher, drum lessons

One great aspect is that you can log in wherever you are and access the content.  You can literally login and access the lessons on your tablet or laptop screen in seconds, or even play the drumless playalong through a speaker system from your phone. It means you have access to all you’ll ever need from your device. It couldn’t be easier!

Some students like to access the theoretical, sight reading or technical material away from their drums so they use a tablet from their sofa, or even bed. And then they can use their time at the kit to its full potential with the other lesson content.

If you want to start your drum lessons for FREE click below.

beginner drum lessons, drum lessons near me, learn drums, drum teacher

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