Beginner Drum Book For Kids

Beginner Drum Book For Kids

Learn how to play drums the fun way

This Is The Beginner Drum Book For Kids

This beginner drum book is a perfect first drum book for kids. This will give them everything they need to start drumming in an engaging and fun way. It has also proven to be a very popular drum book for drum teachers to teach their younger students with.

So this video will give you a little insight to help understand what is in it.

The whole approach to learning in this book is to teach beginner drummers all of the fundamentals of drumming whilst being very accessible and fun. It is packed with short exercises to create constant mini victories and chances for the student to celebrate. This helps to keep them highly motivated and excited to keep learning.

It even has a free video course which demonstrates every example from the book so the student can see and hear it being played.

You can grab a copy here 

Although this was created for younger drum students, it has also proved to be a hit with all age groups.

“Brilliant! Simple step by step information, instruction and diagrams. Lessons, diagrams and notation are clear for a beginner like me, aged 81 years, who has a piano background.” Jackie B – Review on Amazon.

So if you’re interested in a first drum book for beginners, watch the short video below to see what is inside!

Click to grab the book

Pssst ......Grab Your FREE Drummer's Toolkit Below

The drummer’s toolkit is a FREE resource that is packed with lessons, courses, transcriptions, drumless tracks and more to help you become a better drummer. It’s free and you’re a couple of clicks away from getting instant access.

Once inside you will:

  • Learn How to Play Your First Drum Beat… in 10 Minutes!
  • Learn some quick beginner drum fills
  • Learn the right way to practice drums 
  • And learn how to measure your progress from practice
  • Access a mini timing course (and learn both types of timing)
  • Go through a 7 day faster hands course which will increase your hand speed
  • 21 essential stick bag items
  • Access the  drumless Backing Track Library
  • Grab full drum notation for a bunch of famous songs
  • …and more!

So click the big RED button below. Let’s get started!

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