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Matt's encouragement and general positivity is something that any drum teacher could benefit from if they're looking to develop their services! I highly recommend him and I'm so glad I have had the chance to work with such a great person as a mentor! I've gone from Cameron the drum tutor with 12 students to Cameron the business owner with 25 students who is super excited for the future.
Northampton drum teacher, Northampton drum lessons, Northampton drum tutor
Cameron Stewart-Mathews
Drum Teacher
There is nothing stopping you from achieving our goals and aspirations as a drum teacher and thanks to Total Drummer, I have set up my own tutoring business and I am finally starting to believe in myself where I did not before. I can't speak highly enough of this course, Total Drummer, and Matt himself. GET INVOLVED! Trust me.
Southampton Drum Teacher, Southampton Drum lessons, Southampton Drum Tutor
Jack Grossman
Drum Teacher

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Triple Your Money  Guarantee

You have to take enough risks in life, this shouldn’t be one of them. Try the academy for 12 months, and if you do the work, implement and still haven’t earn’t more than 3X what the DTA cost you after 12 months then you can request a full refund.